5 Simple Tools to Create Video for Facebook

I’d like to start out this post by pointing out ‘why’ video is so important on Facebook. If you understand just how important it is, then you will really want to learn how you can create video more often and these are 5 tools that will help!

5 simple tools to create video for Facebook

Why Video for Facebook?

  • Facebook gives preferential treatment to video over any other type of content
  • Videos are shared 1200% MORE times than links and texts Combined
  • 85% of consumers are more likely to purchase after watching a related video
  • It is predicted that by 2020, Facebook will be 90% video
  • Square videos outperformed landscape videos in terms of average engagement, views, and reach, especially on mobile (https://blog.bufferapp.com/facebook-video)


#1: Facebook Live

I know what you are thinking. “Facebook Live does not sound simple!” “That sounds tough.” Or “I’m afraid to get in front of the camera…live!”

Here’s why I feel it is one of the simplest ways to do a video.

  • A Facebook Live doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t need video production, editing or fancy equipment. It is about authenticity. Your audience realizes it is LIVE, so you get a break!
  • You can do a live by turning on your camera (I suggest having an external microphone) and talking to the camera. There is also the desktop option to record the video now too. You can teach something to help build your authority. Another idea is at events. Attending an event or conference related to your business? Then, go LIVE!

This will be live on your personal profile or your business page. You pick. I typically suggest that if it is a business video, you should post it on your business page. This way, when it is done you can promote the video if you desire.


#2: Animoto

This is a website and/or phone app that has a free trial, then pay a low monthly or yearly fee. You can create slideshow videos that use both pictures and video clips. This is one of my favorite video tools that offers a way for you to not even be on camera.

They keep very up on the latest social media trends and implement what is needed into their platform. One of my favorites and well worth the low fees!  For your free 14 day trial, click here.



#3: Adobe Spark

adobe spark

This is another website and/or phone app that is one of the 5 simple tools to create video for Facebook. It is similar to Animoto, that is free and offers a paid version where you can create slideshow videos using both pictures and video clips.

I use Animoto more often because they offer the square version videos, but you can really create some beautiful videos on this website. (NOTE: My bullet point above about square video)


#4: Lumyer (Phone App)


Lumyer is a phone app that is free, but to remove their watermark I suggest paying the one-time fee of $2.99. This is by far the simplest on the list.

Here’s how it works. You take a square picture. Load it into Lumyer. Choose a special effect, such as glitter, sparkle or snow (hundreds of options) and the picture now can be saved as a video. That’s it!

Convert a graphic to a video in less than 30 seconds!


#5: Legend (Phone App)

Legend is another phone app that has a low one-time fee of $1.99. This app animates your text into a video or GIF.

Here’s how it works. Take a motivational quote or a business tip, type it into Legend, choose your favorite animation and colors from their choices, then save it as a video or GIF. These look very cool and takes under a minute to create!



Once again, this is my top list of 5 Simple Tools to Create Video for Facebook.

  1. Facebook Live
  2. Animoto
  3. Adobe Spark
  4. Lumyer
  5. Legend


Do you use any of these? What other tools do you use to create video?