Increase your Online Presence through Blog Posting – 5 Ideas for your Posts!

by | Social Media Marketing


One of my biggies to stay on top of this year is to increase my blog presence and help my clients do so too! For our other business, Creative Carpentry, we started blogging at least one time per week for the last 3 months. The results show it is definitely working! Just for their Google Places listings he has moved to #1 for many of the keywords we focused on in the blog posts. For instance, the term ‘basement finishing’ in all the cities around our area has pushed him to #1 or close to #1. Many other terms have moved up too. This all comes from the blog posting. The organic results have moved up also, so we will keep on blogging:)


Need some blogging ideas? One idea is to peek into Pinterest and see what catches your attention for more inspiring writing glories. Yes, we do get conked and our creative juices run out on us. That’s pretty much normal to writers however it does not mean that these instances would lead to not writing at all. Of course this is simply a phase. We re-group our brain cells, charge them up and zap, we go into writing bliss to boost our business. Wonder how it increases business?

Below are 5 Ideas for blog posting.

Idea #1: Step up coming and goings to your site

Yes, blogging sends traffic to your website. With regular updates to your blog site, particularly posts with appropriate keywords, chances of people stumbling to your site from search engines are high. When consumer types in keyword(s), more often than not, the mostly likely results given back are blogs.

Idea #2: Brands your business

Your blogs may contain useful information for consumers to ignore. Make the most of your blogs by letting prospective clients know what you are offering them. Blog is one of the powerful marketing tools you can add to your business.

Idea #3: After-sales support

Creatively use blog to elaborate on frequently asked questions that customers encounter with your products and/or services. Blogs offer a more personal perspective on things compared to the business tone of your website. It provides your clients with excellent customer service and invites them to return to your website.

Idea #4: Lead Generation Tool

Your regular posts have regular followers that may attract more followers, and so your network grows. This offers you more leads to grow your business. Use an email capture form at the end of your posts to capture emails too.

Idea #5: Endorse specials/promos

You can also post specials (i.e sales) from your business site to your blog posts. It would be able to reach more people and higher chances of converting visitors to customers. It makes for your business ads get through wider market.

There are so many areas you can write about on your blog, but remember to use those keywords to help with your rankings. The more you connect fresh content with your audience, the more your business will grow.