Pin That Image and Boost Your Biz Results!

by | Pinterest Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Pinterest is one of the social media networks with a twist. It is image-based and gets visual inspiration, for all its worth. A lot may still not be familiar with this fast-growing network however it is indeed catching up with the others. A study shows that current users are mostly ladies. So how could this impact your business?

Web traffic booster. Pinterest increases traffic to your website, social sites and email lists. The images that you pin from your website will somehow catch someone’s attention and gets repinned somewhere. This repins will link back to your website providing more traffic and sort of creating an advertisement for your site. Don’t forget when adding the description to use the hashtag for specific keywords too!

Utilize for research. As you pin your way through the network, you will become aware what becomes popular and what does not work. It’s like a feasibility study of what works and doesn’t. And eventually you’d be able to pin stuff that make people tick.

Highlight your blogs. Put in a picture or two in your blog posts and pin it. This will be pulled up to your board and provide a visual directory for your posts. It would entice people to visit your site and read through. If you are offering a product or service, then what better way to keep traffic moving to your website by offering interesting pictures to go along with your posts!

There are so many uses for Pinterest, from traffic-building to building traffic to your other social media accounts to helping it build your email list…Pinterest increases traffic! We’ll be teaching more here and more in our training program that will be launching SOON! Check back for more details on that.