Social Media Content Creation Infographic and Guide

by | Facebook Marketing & Advertising, Pinterest Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Social Media Content Creation Infographic:

Types of content to post on your social media sites. Are you using a variety of these?

Social media content creation can be one of the toughest areas for a business owner to handle. Knowing what to post and coming up with creative ideas is not always easy. For some business owners it can be one of their biggest struggles. Content creation is also time consuming to put out onto the social networks, so much so that many businesses just give up instead of trying.

This guide is created to simplify the process of content creation….I want to make it easy for you to integrate these into your social media platforms.

One thing that simplifies content creation is mixing up content into different types of content. As you saw on the cover infographic image, I broke down social media content into six different areas:

  1. Images
  2. Text
  3. Other People’s Content
  4. Videos
  5. Website/Blog
  6. Podcasts

When working with my clients to set up their strategy and content calendar, we first focus on target market and goals. Then, we set up a content calendar. What is a content calendar? Different types of content on your social networks in a planned out calendar. So, for instance, many of my clients have ‘Teaching Tuesday’. This is when they teach something and they usually pull in a blog post they wrote. So this would be from the ‘Website/Blog’ category.

Use the infographic above to create your content calendar. For even MORE details on each piece of the infographic, download my FULL GUIDE!

This guide breaks down every piece of this infographic into detailed descriptions and examples on how to use them. I look at it as a cheat sheet for you social media content creation! So, don’t hesitate…grab your guide now!

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