What are Kimmy’s Social Media Marketing Plans for 2014?

by | Facebook Marketing & Advertising, Pinterest Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Interview with Kimmy the Social Media Puppet discussing her Social Media Marketing Plans for 2014!

New Hangout Interviews and Podcast coming soon!



What are Kimmy’s 2014 plans for her social media marketing? Here’s what we covered:

What is Kimmy going to add in 2014?
~Facebook Ads – Get in front of target market and show up in News Feed. Increase reach to audience with ads.
~Google+ – Interviews using Google+ Hangouts
Small businesses are starting to jump on board with Google+.
Google+ for small business article discussed in Video

What is Kimmy going to change?
~Focus time when on Facebook – Set a timer

What is Kimmy going to keep the same in her social media marketing? What worked for her?
~Pictures of clients and posting them to Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. She uses Canva.com to create and edit her images. Here are two of our videos discussing Canva.com. #1 Canva Video and #2 Canva Video

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