What is Vine and should your Business be using this new Social Network?

by | Facebook Marketing & Advertising, Social Media Marketing


So what is Vine?

This would have been a dream of mine when I was younger. I remember creating Barbie Doll videos with my friends. We would capture the Barbies walking across the room by using an old video camera (with like a VHS tape or something) and we’d record, stop…move the legs a bit…record, stop…move the legs a bit more. The 6 second video would take over an hour! This is one of the reasons the younger generation is really taking hold of Vine. Should you use Vine for your business?

Yes, we know some social media sites come and go. So, what’s different about the Vine social media site and app? I can’t guarantee that this new social network is going to take off, but I think it might be worth a bit of your time to implement into your overall marketing.

Here’s my take on Vine.

  1. It’s simple! This is a biggie. The number one complaint I hear from business owners is they do not have time for social media. Do you have 6 seconds? Ok, maybe 3 seconds to find the app on your phone, 6 to record the video and another 10-15 seconds to add your description and hashtags and upload the video. So I lied…around 30 seconds of your time.
  2. It’s simple! Did I say that already? Yes, it is so simple and so fast, that it is hard to make an excuse as to why ‘not’ to use it.
  3. Vine is owned by Twitter! Yes, Twitter purchased Vine, so now there is a big connection and push from Twitter.
  4. Sharing on other Social Networks is Easy! Of course, you can share on Twitter, but it also allows you to share to Facebook or embed your video too!

These are my top reasons why you might want to start a branding campaign on Vine. But how? Well, I wouldn’t suggest getting the Barbie Dolls out, but I have to say I’ve seen many lego videos on Vine already. No, you need to figure out how to work the simple 6-second videos into your branding. Does your business have a story? Is it visual?

I am currently putting together my own branding campaign for Vine. At this point I have just been messing around with the app. My son and cat are on it a few times. 🙂 I saw one creative way to use it by Heyo. This company is always extremely innovative and cutting edge. Here’s just a fun use of Vine that puts their brand out there along with their mission statement. They wrote their mission statement on a white board in a crossword puzzle format. Creative, huh?

What are some other examples for other types of businesses?

Remodeling or Interior Design? You can take quick videos of your project along the way. Then, at the end of a project, you can embed the videos on your blog and do a blog post all about that specific project.

Speaker? Have someone record your key points when speaking on Vine.

Medical Professional? Take short clips of happy patients.

The key is to show off your business in 6 seconds. Time to get CREATIVE!


So get started with Vine today! …and be sure to follow me there: Janet E Johnson. (Of course, follow Heyo too!)